This article explains Produmex WMS Professional and Terminal licenses
Produmex WMS Professional license
- Definition
- The Produmex WMS Professional license enables access to the WMS screens that are available within SAP
- The Produmex WMS Professional license also enables access to WMS buttons added to standard SAP B1 forms, such as the ‘Get Free Stock' button on the Sales Order screen.
- Examples of screens accessible with this license include: Picklist, Inventory Report, Move Order, Inventory Locking In Advance, and most other screens under Produmex on the SAP Main Menu.
- This license is referred to as an ‘AddOnUser’ license in the WMS License Configurator screen
- License model
- Existing SAP Users must be added to the License Configurator screen’s Assignments list before they can be considered for access to the SAP-based WMS screens. This is done on the WMS License Configurator screen (outside of SAP).
- Any number of SAP Users can be added to the Assignments list without regard to the number of WMS Professional licenses purchased.
- To improve performance, the WMS Add-On should be configured as Disabled in the SAP Add-On Administrator for users who are not in the WMS Assignments list.
- The system checks the count of the Assigned users who are concurrently logged into an SAP database and are running the WMS add-on. Access to the SAP-based WMS screens is denied when a user with an Assignment logs into SAP and the current number of users logged into an SAP database running the WMS add-on already equals the number of purchased WMS Professional licenses.
- A license is used each time a user logs into a different database, even if the same user is logged into more than one database.
- Existing SAP Users must be added to the License Configurator screen’s Assignments list before they can be considered for access to the SAP-based WMS screens. This is done on the WMS License Configurator screen (outside of SAP).
- Example
- An SAP system has the following SAP Users: Tom, Dick, Harry, and John.
- Each of these users has either an SAP Professional User license or an SAP Limited User license
- The installation purchased 2 WMS Professional licenses (AddOnUser licenses)
- SAP users Tom, Dick, and Harry are granted ‘Assignments’ of the WMS Professional license
- The user John logs into SAP, but he is not able to access SAP-based WMS screens because he is not in the Assignments list.
- Users Tom and Dick log into SAP and can access SAP-based WMS screens (based on their SAP Authorizations).
- User Harry logs into SAP, but he is denied access to the SAP-based WMS screens because his session would cause the number of concurrent WMS Professional license users to exceed the 2 purchased licenses. An SAP message indicates that all WMS are in use and the attempted access to WMS is not permitted.
- User Tom logs out of SAP (and his Produmex WMS add-on task ends normally). At this point Harry again logs into SAP and this time has full access to WMS.
- While Harry stays logged into his first session, he then also logs into a second SAP company/database. Harry’s second login causes the number of concurrent WMS Professional license users to exceed the 2 purchased licenses and Harry is denied access to the SAP-based WMS screens on the second company. He can still work without interruption on the first company.
- An SAP system has the following SAP Users: Tom, Dick, Harry, and John.
Produmex WMS Terminal license
- Definition
- The Produmex WMS Terminal license enables access to the WMS functions on handheld devices and touchscreens (referred to as Mobile Clients)
- Examples of Mobile Client functions include: Picking, Packing station operations, Shipping, Reception, Cycle Counting, Production, and more.
- This license is referred to as an ‘DeviceClient’ license in the WMS License Configurator screen
- License model
- Handheld and touchscreen devices are configured in the WMS Organizational Structure Elements (OSE) as a ‘Thin Client’. (Right-click, select 'New OSE' -- > 'Thin Client')
- Optionally, SAP users can be assigned to specific devices in the OSE’s Thin Client configuration. If specific users are not assigned to a device in the OSE, then the mobile device has is no user-level access restriction (concurrent license control always applies).
- The system counts the number of devices concurrently logged into Mobile Clients (handhelds and touch screens). Access to the application is denied if a device attempts to log in and the current number of logged-in devices already equals the number of purchased WMS Terminal licenses.
- Users logged into a mobile client must also have an SAP license (i.e. SAP Business One Indirect Access User, SAP Business One Limited User, SAP Business One Professional User). Please see this article about SAP licenses: FAQ: SAP License vs Boyum Add-ons
- Example
- An SAP system has the following SAP Users: Tom, Dick, Harry, and John.
- This system has 2 SAP Business One Indirect Access User licenses which are allocated to Tom and Dick; Harry and John have no SAP license
- The installation purchased 3 WMS Terminal (DeviceClient) licenses
- The system’s WMS Organizational Structure contains 4 devices: Handheld01, Handheld02, Touchscreen01, and Touchscreen02
- Handheld01 and Handheld02 are configured in the OSE to allow only Tom and Dick to use those devices.
- Touchscreen01 and Touchscreen02 have no user restrictions.
- Harry is not able to log into Handheld01 and Handheld02 because those devices are configured in the OSE to only give access to Tom and Dick
- Tom, Dick, and Harry log into the devices configured as Handheld01, Handheld02, and Touchscreen01 respectively. They are all able to log into their devices.
- Tom and Dick can perform functions that create SAP transactions (such as Shipping and PO Reception)
- Harry can access his device but is not able to complete functions that create SAP transactions because his SAP User has not been assigned an SAP license.
- John’s access to his device is restricted because the 3 other users are concurrently using all of the Terminal licenses. (He will be able to log into his device when one of the other users logs out.)
- When Tom logs out of his mobile device then a Terminal license becomes available and John can access his device.
- A user who has a WMS Professional license must also have a Terminal license in order to use both SAP screens and mobile devices.
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