Business Scenario: we have created a pick list (from now on PL) based on an inventory transfer request (ITR). This PL is partially picked.
This is the ITR source document and we will pick a partial quantity, in this case one unit of the total quantity of two.
Solution: the following article explains how to partially ship, in other words, ship only the closed logistic units (LU), of the previously mentioned PL number 2. See document bellow as example:
Not being able to ship partially picked pick lists, whatever is its source document, is a standard behavior of Produmex WMS. In fact ‘Partially picked’ PL’s are documents on the process of being completed, so it is an intended and beneficial behavior.
However, for those business cases where want to ship picklist partially packed, we need to follow bellow steps:
- Inform the system that the current logistic Unit we are picking on is Full. THIS IS A BEST PRACTISE ON PMX and it is recommended on the daily picking operations.
The result of this step is that the PL is partially picked and SSCC number 55 is closed, not packed anymore, and sent to the Loading Dock.
- Turn on the following setting on the Sales Delivery Note Controller.
When turning on this setting, finished LU´s will be shown at the shipping flow.
- As a result of the previous step, the PL is partially picked and we have our SSCC 55 finished with a partial quantity of the PL line.
The line is shown as closed with a variance of -1, therefore a new line is created as ready with the missing quantity.
This “new” line is visible at the picking flow, for the PL to be completed in the future.
Also as a result of the shipping action of the step number 2 there is an inventory transfer associated with the movement of one unit from whs 1 to whs 2.
As a complement of the previous content have a look of the following articles which cover related topics:
Index of Abreviations:
IT: Inventory transferITR: Inventory transfer Request
PL: Pick Lists
PLP: Pick List Proposal
SBO: Sab Business One
PMX: Produmex WMS
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