Item cannot be picked. After checking the locking on the item, it turns out that more quantities are locked than exist in the warehouse.
- Allocation issue - pick lists do not get status Ready.
- Stock cannot be picked even if alternate stock function is used.
The root cause of the issue is a wrong behavior of setting below:
“Picklist Proposal Generator” >"Prioritize pick locations over bulk locations"
There are cases when it allows to allocate more stock that you have on stock.
This bug appeared in version 2020.09.00 and it is fixed starting from version 2021.03.07.
In case you cannot upgrade for some reason, then we suggest you turn off this setting.
You should follow the following steps to fix the over allocations:
1. Turn off setting "Prioritize pick locations over bulk locations"
2. Close open picklists and picklists proposals
3. Recreate the necessary picklists.
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