FINAL UPDATE: FP 2011 HOTFIX 2 is fully compatible and supported by Produmex WMS.
FP2008 and FP2011 HF1 remain as non-supported versions.
In the upcoming months, we will retest Produmex WMS using the latest SAP version FP2102, currently, we do not expect to encounter any issues with that version.
Please be aware that we have identified issues with SAP B1 v10 PL3 (aka FP2008) and SAP B1 v10 PL4 (aka FP2011) when running Produmex WMS add-on (other 3rd party Add-ons are also affected).
At the moment, we advise not to upgrade version 10 to patch level 3 (FP2008), patch level 4 (FP2011), or more recent hotfixes, and to postpone any such upgrade.
SAP B1 FP2008 and FP2011 are not officially supported by Produmex WMS.
Produmex WMS works without issues on SAP B1 v10 PL2.
If you, nevertheless, proceed with upgrading to the latest SAP B1 10 version (FP2008, FP2011 and newer hotfixes), your operations can be affected if using Add-Ons, such as Produmex WMS. These are not issues from our software, and cannot be resolve by Boyum-IT, and we will be unable to provide support for these issues. Please be aware that SAP and WMS do not have downgrading capabilities.
If using the latest SAP B1 versions, while there is no data lost, you might be forced to unload the add-ons to access parts of the software (e.g. BP Master Data Tabs), or even to completely lose access to certain areas of the software.
The problem only affects installations using SAP B1 version 10 with either PL3(FP2008) or PL4(FP2011), plus hotfixes for those versions. Other SAP versions do not have issues. Also, Produmex Scan is not affected.
Unfortunately, this is an issue caused by SAP B1 10, and not by Produmex WMS code, and therefore cannot be solved from our side. We are working with SAP to resolve this as soon as possible.
These are the identified issues when using Produmex WMS add-on:
- FP2011 (PL4) Hotfix 1 - In the Business Partner Master Data windows Produmex tab is reduced to a sliver and pushed all the way to the right to become nearly invisible. Other SAP tabs have been restored and can now be used.
- FP2011 (PL4) - In the Business Partner Master Data windows, some SAP tabs do not appear (e.g. Contact Persons, Addresses, Properties, Attachments). The Produmex tab appears and works as expected.
Item Master data works as expected, and shows all tabs, including Produmex sub-tabs. - FP2008 (PL3) - In the Item Master Data, the Produmex tab does not show.
- FP2008 (PL3) Hotfix1- In the Item Master Data, the Produmex tab does show, but all the Produmex sub-tabs are missing.
All of these issues affect only the SAP B1 office client. It does not impact the WMS mobile client and the DI-API functions work correctly, so operations in the warehouse floor are not impacted.
Our current recommendation is not to upgrade SAP 10 to FP2008 or FP2011 (aka PL3 and PL4).
In case a customer must upgrade, then they should upgrade to FP2011. They will lose some SAP Business Partner Master Data tabs on office PCs running the WMS add-on. In that case, we suggest having one or more SAP B1 office clients running without the WMS add-on for any office operation needed on the Business Partner Master Data.
An alternative to having a separate client running SAP B1 without WMS is to stop/unload the add-on, then edit the Business Partner as need, and then restart/load the add-on.
Update: 6th April 2021
SAP has released hotfix 2 (HF2) for FP2011, this hotfix was tested, and no issues were identified. We have just released Produmex WMS 2021.03, and our release tests were made using FP2011 HF2, and no issues were uncovered. Therefore, FP2011 HOTFIX 2 is fully supported with Produmex WMS. Please note that FP2011 HF1 and FP2008 remain non-supported.
Update: 2nd February 2021
SAP has released a hotfix (H1) for FP2011, this, however, while minimizing the identified issues, does not resolve them. In Business Partner Master Data the Produmex Tab is pushed all the way to the right and becomes a small (almost invisible) tab.
Update: 7th December 2020
We have identified issues with FP2011 (PL4) with WMS on the window of Business partner Master Data - some SAP tabs are missing when the add-on is loaded.
Item Master data issues are fixed, with a minor cosmetic issue that the Produmex Tab is now pushed to the last position.
Update: 3rd December 2020
SAP has published FP2011 (PL4), and we are currently testing it.
SBO 10 PL3 (FP2008) will remain incompatible with WMS, customers planning to upgrade to SAP B1 10 PL3 should consider skipping PL3.
WMS 2020.12, planned for release in 21st of December, will be tested against SBO 10 FP2011.
Update: 25th November 2020
The latest FP2011 preview appears to solve all issues, with the minor esthetic exception of the tab order not being followed. FP2011 is planned to be released by SAP on 27th of November.
Update: 10th November 2020
Currently, the planned FP2011 release still does not fix all current issues. We continue to work with SAP to have this solved as soon as possible. For the moment, FP2008 and FP2011 release are not supported and should not be used in a live/production environment when Produmex WMS is needed.
Update: 28th October 2020
SAP development department is working on a solution. We currently do not have an ETA yet.
Update: 19th October 2020
SAP has released a new hotfix, unfortunately, whilst that solves the initial issue, it does not fully resolve all issues. Therefore, for the moment, PL3 is still not compatible with WMS.
We will continue to work with SAP to have a solution to this as soon as possible.
Update: 6th October 2020
SAP has quickly responded to us, and we have tested a new B1 version. This version solved the issues we identified. We are now expecting an SAP release date for the hotfix.
Update: 30th September 2020
We have reported this to SAP. SAP is currently reviewing this, as this potentially affects other add-ons of SAP.
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