You get the error: “Not a legal OleAut date” when on the Produmex Inventory Report you select an Item and then click on “Locking” or when you click on “select stock” (during issue for production, creating delivery etc.).
Run the below query on your database. If you find items with an invalid BBD in the result, e.g. with the year 0020 instead of 2020, then you're affected by the issue.
SQL: select * from PMX_ITRI where DATEPART (YEAR, "BestBeforeDate") < 100 order by "InternalKey" desc;
HANA: select * from PMX_ITRI where EXTRACT (YEAR FROM "BestBeforeDate") < 100 order by "InternalKey" desc;
Note: Before processing with the live database, test our solution on a test database.
You can change all the invalid BestBeforeDates to valid BBDs in SQL by updating the "BestBeforeDate" fields in the pmx_itri table or set a valid BBD in the inventory report.
Remember to create a database backup before changing the live database.
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