Our new license system in Beas reach, from the portal, the information according to the licenses (installation number, validity and other information), validate them and guarantee that our products are on maintenance on each partner/customer.
Having said that, we have found several system error that can be fixed in an easy way:
- Installation number is duplicated:
If the installation number is duplicated on the "Customer Identifier" field on Beas license, the problem is due to:
a) Installation number missing on the portal
b) Problem with a firewall within the computer
What to do?
a) Installation number missing on the portal
1. Go to: portal.boyum-it.com and log in (If you do not have access please request a user by sending an email to sales@boyum-it.com), if someone from your company already have access please follow the steps on the following link to add an user: How to access Boyum Portal
2. Look under Partner or Customer (depending on the license you are requesting) and add/edit the installation number. To add or change an installation number please check the following article:How to edit an installation number
3. On the Portal, go to "In need of a license?"
4. Enter the installation number and the product to request the license and submit
5. Go to the system and on the license screen, select "Read license from the portal"
The installation number should now be correct and license checked and ready to use
b) Problem with a firewall within the computer
1. On the Portal, go to "In need of a license?"
2. Enter the installation number and the product to request the license and submit
3. Copy the license text completely
4. Go to the system and on the license screen, select "Insert offline license key"
5. Paste the long text on the pop up window
The installation number should now be correct and license checked and ready to use
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