The old license called "Beas Product configurator (Web User)" will be unified with the license "Beas Product Configurator Single Sales User"
License Name in the Boyum Portal:
The previous License "Beas Product Configurator Single Sales User" now is available in the License Boyum Portal as "Beas Product Configurator Single Sales User (Web access or SAP Client)”
This license is designed for sales users to use the Product Configurator interface for SAP Sales Quotations and Sales Orders, without the need for a “Beas Basic” license or to access to the Web Configurator.
In case of users that access the Web Configurator through SAP sales quotation or order: if a user has a “Beas Basic” license they do not need this license because they already have access to this function.
User assignment
An SAP user without a Beas basic license could be assigned to this license to give access to the product configurator from the SAP Quotation or Sales orders. The assigned licenses will have exclusive use of the assigned user from the SAP Sales documents, the rest of the licenses not assigned will be used by concurrency in the Web Configurator.
Example: A customer acquires 10 "Beas Product Configurator Single Sales User (Web access or Sap Client)” licenses: 3 of them are assigned to SAP Users, 7 will be available for the use of the Web Configurator access.
If 3 sales employees connect to the web access, 4 of the 7 licenses will be available. When all the web licenses are occupied at the same time, the eighth user will not be able to access it.
Note: The assigned licenses are excluded from the availability for web access, so if a salesperson has an SAP User license assigned for Sales orders, and accesses through the Web Configurator, the web access will be consumed as an additional license each time they access it.
Managing the concurrence of Users
The assignment and release of the Web Configurator licenses will be carried out identically to license application in the WebApps terminal.
User login blocks a Web Configurator license, and these licenses are released for use again once the user logs out.
There is no limit in the number of users to access the Web Configurator, but they can access it only up to the available licenses at a time. Following the example of our customer with 7 licenses available for the Web Configurator, they could create 20 users but only up to 7 will be able to access the Web Configurator at a time. However, consider that the web application was designed for sales employee access and is not intended to be a B2C or E-commerce solution with high user concurrency.
ATTENTION: If a user closes the Web Configurator without logging out, the system keeps the license in use for 10 minutes. After that the system automatically releases the license.
Current Web Configurator customers
In Beas Manufacturing versions prior to 2022.09, the system checks the old configurator licenses. In the current Web Configurator, licenses will be added to "Beas Product Configurator Single Sales User (Web access or Sap Client)”. Therefore, for customers who use the Web Configurator, a provisional old web configurator license will be extended until December 31, 2022, and these customers will be required to upgrade to version 2022.09 or higher.
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