Auto-post delivery note and invoice with auto reconciliation
0 votos 0 comentarios
Produmex Scan Delivery – Scanning multiple UDF values per item, separated by commas
0 votos 0 comentarios
Produmex Scan Delivery – Scanning multiple UDF values per item, separated by commas
0 votos 0 comentarios
Changing selected position in DataRepeater Produmex SCAN.
0 votos 0 comentarios
Add a field of 'Ship to address' in pick list
0 votos 0 comentarios
Label printing flow from Zebra ZPL files directly to the printer without broker
1 voto 0 comentarios
Does any one know if we can customize the PickListLine screen sorting?
1 voto 2 comentarios
Allow enter the remarks in Stock Transfer
0 votos 0 comentarios
Produmex Scan - Disable Bin Location for non-inventory items
1 voto 0 comentarios
Be able to do Inventory Counting by just scanning batch number
2 votos 0 comentarios
Be able to edit quantity and price in BN Create SO
2 votos 0 comentarios
Font size doesnt working on phisical RF/collector
1 voto 0 comentarios
Picklist should split by warehouses
1 voto 0 comentarios
Produmex SCAN needs to lock Pick List when remote users are Picking via PDMX SCAN
0 votos 0 comentarios
Produmex Scan - Validate the duplicate batch number scanned
3 votos 0 comentarios
Start Produmex Scan Via Command Prompt
0 votos 0 comentarios
Allow selecting of a different Receiving Warehouse on GRPO
3 votos 0 comentarios
Display product image when picking
3 votos 0 comentarios
Define postings to more then one Distribution Rule Code and other then only the Dimension 1
2 votos 0 comentarios
Sales Return Request Permissions (New Feature in 2023.10)
1 voto 0 comentarios
Transfer of multiple items to be simplified
2 votos 0 comentarios
Possibility of Scanning or Typing in the Packing process
0 votos 0 comentarios
error when we log in produmex scan
0 votos 0 comentarios
Show "Paid" A/R Reserved Invoices on Delivery Functionality
3 votos 1 comentario
Different views per document
2 votos 0 comentarios
Produmex Scan - Replace values list with custom query
2 votos 0 comentarios
Select Serial Number when picking
4 votos 0 comentarios
Different field types for Android keyboard to work with
4 votos 0 comentarios
Enable "autoupdate" of the android app
2 votos 0 comentarios
2 votos 0 comentarios