Configuring Scalecom service, or direct scale communication
1.1. Configure direct connection
Use the Direct connection if the scale connects directly to the client computer.
Direct connection format:
com:/ /Port?Baudrate,Databits,Parity,Stopbits
1.2. Configure ScaleComm service
- Installation
Install the ScaleComm service on the server that will manage your scales.
Configuration in the config file
Open the configuration Produmex.Sbo.Logex.ScaleComm.Service.exe.config file from folder:
c:\Program Files\Produmex\Produmex ScaleComm\
1. Set SkipPolling to false
2. Set the codes of the scales from OSE in the config :<add key="Scales" value="SCALE" />
In case you would like to configure multiple scales, then set the scale codes with coma separator
<add key="Scales" value="SCALE01,SCALE02" />
Copy your connection string into the default “SboConnectionString” connection. - Configuration in the Organizational Structure (OSE)
“User as service”: checkbox must be checked.
“Scale Definitions”:
Use the IP and Port of the server on which the ScaleComm service is running. Port is 9991 and it is fixed.
Add the name of the scale from OSE to the URL:
Add the COM Port configuration that you can use on the server
This part is similar to the Direct connection. The final definition looks like this:,8,N,1
network scale can also be used, in that case, use :
tcp:// instead of com://COM6?9600,8,N,1 configuration
"Uom": SAP > Units of Measure > set 1kg Weight column (in SAP base Uom
Multiple scale configuration in the weight room
It is possible to add multiple scales to a weight room. You can configure different Uom for the scales. One COM Port can be configured only once.
The scale is selected based on the material's Uom code
Enable ports in remote desktop connection
Enable the ports, otherwise the scale will not communicate through the RDP session.
Open the Remote Desktop and click on ‘Show options’. Go to the Local Resources tab and click on the ‘More…’ button under Local devices and resources. On the opening window check the ‘Ports’ checkbox.
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