Q: What is the symptom?
In the SAP Logs located in C:\ProgramData\SAP\SAP Business One\Log\SAP Business One, you might find error messages that mention one or more of Boyum Products. Here is an example with B1 Usability Package:
Cannot find wallpaper: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One\PNG_C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One\AddOns\BOY\B1 Usability Package\ResourceFolder\converter.bmp # #
Why are these entries here?
This is due to an SAP Bug and not an indication of an issue in the Add-on. This has been confirmed by SAP in Support Ticket number: 0000668793 / 2019 with related SAP Note: https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2856027
SAP's reply to the Support Ticket:
How to get rid of the error?
Unfortunately, that is not possible until SAP fixes the issue. For now, it is safe to just ignore the errors as they do not cause harm to the system or the Add-on (they are just annoying to look at.)
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