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SAP Bug: SAP 9.3 PL10, PL11 and PL12 Font-size issue makes screens too big running other font-sizes than Tahoma 10



  • Rasmus Jensen

    We now have a workaround version of B1UP ready that work around SAP's bug

    The version this workaround is in is called 2019.09 HF5 and can be downloaded here:

    I order to begin using the workaround you will need to activate it via a special file. Here is what you need to do:

    1. Install B1UP 2019.09 HF1 release (or any version that was released after this)

    2. On each machine that runs the B1 Client(s):

    2a. On your Window Desktop create a new text-file called "Fix93FontIssue"

    2b. Go to Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One\AddOns\BOY\B1 Usability Package  (or C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One\AddOns\BOY\B1 Usability Package if you run 64-bit)

    2c. Copy/Paste the file created in step 2a. into the above folder​

    3. Start SAP Business One and do an XML reset




    Still known issues after the workaround.

    There are a few things we can't find a workaround for. 


    1. Tabs are a bit ugly and a bit too far down (can't find a workaround for this :-( )​

    2. Matrixes rows are too high (Can't workaround this either :-( ) ​

  • Marcel Gerritsma

    Hello Rasmus,

    The fix worked for the normal SAP forms, but not for SQL report (Universal Function) forms. Is there a workaround for this as well?



  • Rasmus Jensen

    Hmm, it also fixes it for my SQL reports. Did you remember to do an XML Reset? If so please try and post a screenshot of how it looks incorrectly for you?

  • Marcel Gerritsma

    Hello Rasmus,

    When I open the sqlreport window with fontsize 10, the buttons are visible, when I change the fontsize to 12, the buttons are still visible, but when I reopen the sqlreport window, the buttons are gone.

    Do you have any advise.



  • Rasmus Jensen

    Function Buttons on a SQL Report normally only fit one font-size so guess this is not related.

    Try the following:
    - Remove the Buttons
    - Switch to Font-size 12
    - Open screen once
    - Add Function Buttons

    If still not working it might be a side effect of the Font-issue I've just not seen before (but in general PL10 and PL11 is very broken and should not be used or only be used on Font 10)

  • Marcel Gerritsma

    I now fixed the issue with ItemPlacement.



  • Rasmus Jensen

    For Reference, this is how the issue manifests itself in SAP 9.3 PL12

    Many screens actually look as expected so in that regard the new PL12 issue is not as problematic as the previous, but some screens are slightly off/fields overlapping or offscreen.

    Here are a few examples of how it looks:


    Here are the same 3 screens on PL12 with Boyum Workaround added (screens are smalled and feel more cramped, but are at least functional):

  • Petra Tamayo


    This workaround it will be also working with other releases higher than 2019.09 HF5 ?


  • Rasmus Jensen

    Petra Tamayo: Yes, it is in all the new releases 

  • Petra Tamayo

    I installed the latest release and the file in the correct folder but it seems not working at all


  • Petra Tamayo

    I did the XML reset too


  • Rasmus Jensen

    Try to check if your if your file have double-extension by mistake (happens often if you do not show extension in Windows). Also check if you have done it for the right bit type (32/64)

    Else try and post some screenshots of the file placed so I can check it + what does not look right (as mentioned the workaround try it's best to get around the bug but it can't fix everything)

  • Petra Tamayo

    Version of the client

    Place of the file and extension ( the file has been created on the desktop and it's empty )

    Condition with Font 14

    Condition with Font 10

    Configuration behind the button in both cases

    Best regards


  • Rasmus Jensen

    Function Buttons on Add-ons screens is one of the things the workaround can't fix since SAP use wrong width/heights :-(

    What you can do is make different configurations for different configurations (described in this video:

    or go to SBO 9.3 PL13 that fix the SAP part of the bug.


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