Q: Who is affected?
A: People running Cloud Control Center (CCC) on SAP Business One 10 and trying to install a Boyum LW Add-on (Non-CCC usage of LW is not affected).
Q: What is the issue?
A: During install it will fail and in the log you will get the following error:
Ard File:B1 Usability Package.ard
Extension Name:null
Installation Package:null
Import to Repository:\\cloudloginportal.com\SAPB1\Extensions
Synchronization Info:while trying to invoke the method java.lang.String.isEmpty() of a null object loaded from field com.sap.businessone.extension.NewExtensionHandler.exe of an object loaded from local variable 'this'
Q: Why does this happen?
A: This is due to a bug in CCC where it fails to realize that SAP Business One 10 is a 64-bit only system but in the ard-file, there needs to be a dummy record for the non-existent 32-bit instance. And since the Boyum LW add-ons do not have this they fail.
Q: How will you fix this?
A: We plan to fix this in B1UP 2020.08 or higher.
Q: What to do if I need to run a lower version?
A: You can use the following workaround.
- Upzip the LW zip-installer
- Navigate to the unzipped folder and find file 'B1 Usability Package.ard'. Edit it in your favorite text editor
- Insert the following dummy 32-bit section in the ard file in the indicated spot
For Copy/Paste
<x86 AddonExe="" AddonSig="">
<Files />
<Files />
4. Save the file and re-zip the file
Now you should be able to install the add-on
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