- When you open form Sales or to Production Order you will get this or similar SQL error
- (<empty>)**^Error while Display Report: Select Error: SQLSTATE = 37000
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The multi-part identifier "rdr1.quantity" could not be bound.
SQL-Syntax:SELECT header."DocEntry", line."LineNum", "OITM"."InvntryUom", "OITM"."U_dispo", "OITM"."U_din", "OITM"."U_match", "OITM"."U_wst_id", line."Project", header."CreateDate", header."CardCode", header."CardName", line."ItemCode", line."Dscription", line."Quantity"+0.0000 as 'qquantity', line."OpenCreQty", line."ShipDate", line."VisOrder"+1 as cpos, line."U_Beas_vri"+0 as "VRI", line."U_Beas_shortvariant"+'' as "SHORTVARIANT", line."U_Beas_ver"+'' as "U_Beas_ver", line."U_von_lag", line."NumPerMsr", header."DocNum", header."ObjType", 0.000000 as sollmenge, /* Restmenge = Auftragsmenge ...... - Problem is using templates and tab fields
Then you should
- Open Sales order to production order - template administration - tab fields
- Edit the fields like in screenshot with your values
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