UPDATE: SAP Now finally have an SAP Note on the issue: http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/2316048
Hi all
At the moment we are seeing some instability issues with SAP's DI-API that affect some on our users. This article explains the details on the issue and how to work around it:
Q: Who is affected?
A: Only a small amount our customers are affected. They have a much higher than normal amount of random errors all mentioning the error "Server Threw an Exception" here is a few samples of how the error looks like:
Q: What SAP versions are affected?
A: SAP 9.0 and higher
Q: Why does it happen and how can I fix it?
A: The reason is quite technical (see at bottom) but it is related to if you use Crystal Reports with the "SAP Business One" driver". If you stop using the driver (see how you switch the driver here: https://youtu.be/j7kpj2tR3d4) and instead use OLEDB (MSSQL) / ODBC (HANA) the issue goes away. This is also described in SAP note 2316048
Q: How can it be a Crystal Report issue. When I see the error I'm not using Crystal!?!
A: The main issue here is that when a crystal is being used (by SAP/Add-on) and it uses the SAP Business One driver in the crystal it messes up the DI-API connection and that is why any other operation after just showing a crystal on the machine can cause the error (aka not only crystal work result in the error)
Q: What are you doing about it?
A: Since the core issue happen in the SAP part of the code we are in their hands to have it fixed - See SAP note 2316048 - http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/2316048.
SAP latest status is that they will fix the core issue in SAP 9.3
Q: Any other ways around the issue?
A: The long term thing is to follow SAP's note 2316048 on the matter but if you are on MSSQL we have also created a workaround for the issue by reading the data via Microsoft instead of SAP's DI-API. This has proven successful in greatly reducing the error rate so if you have the issue here and now it is possible to apply the workaround. In order to get the workaround, you need to be on at least B1UP 2015.10 (http://www.boyum-it.com/sbo). Once on this version you can in the main configuration on the options page switch to "ADO-Read mode" which applies the workaround.
Q: I'm technical - what is the problem in more detail?
A: The error originates in instantiating the DI-API Record object. when oCompany.GetBusinessObject(oRecordset); is called SAP throw exception "Server threw an exception". This is due to a bug in the way SAP has implemented Crystal Report drivers for SAP Business One where these drivers "mess up" the shared DI-API and cause the issue.
The video do not say what Hana driver to use, B1CRHPROXY32 or HDBODBC32 ??
I guess HDBODBC32
Thank you
Both HANA ODBC drivers you mention is OK to use.
It is only the Connection that is literally called "SAP Business One" that have issues
I've been told the issue should be resolved in SAP 9.3 but yet to get verification on that.
OK, thank you, I use ODBC(RDO)
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