Due to a large volume of transactions on the account we use for running Trust Payments (Secure Trading) in Demo Mode, we can no longer offer this option.
For new customers wanting to try out iPayment with Trust Payments as their provider
Customers who wish to try out iPayment using Secure Trading as their provider, will have to contract Secure Trading to sign up for their own Sandbox account. Once this is done, you can input the credentials for your Sandbox account in the iPayment configuration window.
For customers who are already running iPayment in Demo Mode using Trust Payments
As this option is no longer possible, you will have to contact Trust Payments to set up your own Sandbox account and use the testing credentials associated with this account.
If you try running iPayment in Demo Mode, you will encounter an error similar to the one shown below.
As of the next release of iPayment (2017.0.5), the Demo Mode checkbox in the configuration will be removed.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience this causes to some customers, especially existing customers who are already trying out the product.
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