Sometimes you need to hide a button on the Fat Client. This article helps you to customize the Fat Client surface.
This article is based on this WIKI entry:
Hidden Fat Client buttons (PMX_HFCB)
Hidden Fat Client buttons (PMX_HFCB)
This table holds configuration to hide buttons on flows used in the Fat Client. This configuration table is intended to be used by consultants who are familiar with the workflows and know how to retrieve the needed information to complete the configuration.
Calling workflow
The work flow that is used.
Title key
The title key of the screen where the button needs to be hidden.
Button key
The button key of the button that needs to be hidden.
Check this checkbox to disable the configuration to hide the button.
Pmx User Group
The user group this configuration applies to. If no user group is set, it applies to all users.
1. Example: hide the Purchase -> Reception -> No PO button
Identify the language code
At first check your language code on the Organizational Structure window, General tab. In this example this is (3).
Identify the workflow
Identify the workflow of the thin client. In this case this is the ’MainWarehouseMenuFlow Script’
Identify the button key
You need to find key of the first button, in this case this is the ‘Purchase’.
You can search the button key from the database with this query. Note the WHERE clause, where you can add the language code and the button or title text.
JOIN "PMX_LOPR" ON "PMX_LOVL"."ParentKey" = "PMX_LOPR"."InternalKey"
JOIN "PMX_LOKY" ON "PMX_LOPR"."ParentKey" = "PMX_LOKY"."InternalKey"
WHERE 1 = 1
AND "PMX_LOVL"."LangCode" = 3 -- Language Code
AND "PMX_LOVL"."Value" LIKE 'Purchase' -- Button or Title text
AND "PMX_LOKY"."AppTypeCode" = 'SLIM_SCR'
The ‘LocKey’ column shows the button key, which is the ‘MSG_BUTTON_PURCHASE’ in this case
Now you gathered all the necessary information:
- Language code: 3
- Name of the workflow script: MainWarehouseMenuFlow
Navigate to the ‘Workflows’ tab in the Organizational Structure, choose the script and press the ‘Edit Script’ button.
Find the ‘MSG_BUTTON_PURCHASE’ character string, and identify the next script, that the button calls.
In this case this is the ‘PurchaseMainFlowScript’
Repeat these steps
- Find the PurchaseMainFlowScript in the workflow tab -> Edit script -> Find the ‘Reception’ button (MSG_BUTTON_RECEPTION) -> ReceptionScript
- Find the ReceptionScript in the workflow tab -> Edit script -> Find the ‘No PO’ button (MSG_BUTTON_PO_FILTER_NO_PO)
Identify the title key
Now you need to find the title key, which is the text on the top of the Fat Client screen. In this case it is the ‘Select a Filter’
As you see, the query give back more than one hit, so you need to find both of them in the ‘ReceptionScript’
You gathered all the information to fill out the PMX_HFCB table.
- Calling workflow: WorkflowScript_ReceptionScript (you need to add the ‘WorkflowScript_’ before the name of the script)
2. Example: hide the Sales -> Shipping button
Identify the script in the way it was described earlier. It is the ‘SalesMainFlowScript’.
You can not find the ‘Select Function (3)’ in the script, because the number is added by a function.
When you search it in the database (or in the XML), you find many ‘MSG_TITLE_SELECT_FUNCTION’ key with numbers at the end of them.
In this case you need to use the MSG_TITLE_SELECT_FUNCTION3, because this is the proper title key.
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