MyPaperflow is our online self-service platform, where you can view and edit documents in the system and configure organizations and users.
Access MyPaperflow via MyPaperflow
User management is based on users you create in the API. Please see this article regarding user levels: Users of Paperflow
See API docs on the endpoints for user management: Bilagscan API
Full flow vs training flow
You can use MyPaperflow with two different flows:
A full flow where you validate each document in the system in MyPaperflow, before it is pushed to your integration
A reactive training flow, where you only validate documents, that you see has errors, to train the engine.
The reactive flow is standard, as all documents can be accessed and validated in MyPaperflow at all times. If you wish to use the entire flow, you must activate it as a product. MyPaperflow has product ID 4. See more here: Paperflow Products
See the flows below:
Our Deeplink functionality can be used for embedding the MyPaperflow platform into your current solution, to create a seamless integration for your users.
With Deeplink, your users do not need to log in to MyPaperflow, as you can parse a token in the URL.
In order to Deeplink into with a specific authentication you can append a ?token=<TOKEN> in the URL. Example:
The token parameter can be added on all pages, so you can add it at the end of the validation page on specific vouchers, to directly access the validation view.
When you click “Submit” on the validation page, we have added the following javascript trigger:
1window.parent.postMessage('PaperflowDone', '*');
You can use this trigger to add your own autoclose functionality, for an even more seamless experience.
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