Article Type: Tips & Tricks
Product AREA: beas
TOPIC / SYSTEM AREA (beas): Work Order
System Functionality: Beas COMMON interface
Scenario description
The Beas Common Interface provides a very simple way to issue material during the Work Order process.
It is a functionality that has been implemented in Beas for a long time and can still be used under certain conditions.
But this functionality is not possible for batch or serial managed items!
This can be particularly suitable if, for example, manufacturing is carried out with another software tool and there is an SQL connection to the Beas database.
The issuing of the material is performed with a simple SQL insert statement.
Therefor the table BEAS_COMMON_INPUT is existing for inserting the SQL Statement, which is then executed via the running Beas Sever Manager. Another table BEAS_COMMON_OUTPUT can be used for the output of the BOM issuing (e. g. error code, error text).
For working with Beas Script via the Beas Common Interface the following fields of the table BEAS_COMMON_INPUT are to be filled:
COMMONTYP: bomissue
DOCNUM: document number of work order (table.field: “BEAS_FTHAUPT.BELNR_ID”)
LINENUMBER: position number of work order (table.field: “BEAS_FTPOS.BELPOS_ID”)
TEXTPARAMETER: The to be booked positions with the following structure:
You can concatenate the string in case of multiple BOM positions:
tab: ascii 9 (or "#" for Test's)
cr_lf: ascii 13 + ascii 10
Quantity: to be booked quantity in the national-format according to Windows settings (english: 10.5, german 10,5)
Empty: nothing (in future: batchnum)
whscode : warehouse code, if you don't use the default-warehouse, else empty.
Bincode: bin code, if you work with bin warehouse
Rfid: rfid-code, if you work with rfid and bin warehouse
It is imperative that the sequence be followed here.
If an item of information is not required, leave it blank.
It is also possible to leave out the positions from the back to the front if they are not needed.
The result of the transaction will be inserted by Beas into BEAS_COMMON_OUTPUT:
COMMONTYP: O = Ok, E = Error
ANSWERTYP: 0 = OK, 1 = Error
ANSWERTEXT: if OK then empty else the last error text
PARAMETER1: all generated documents entries
docentry[char 9]type (59 or 60)[char 13 + char 10]
docentry[char 9]type (59 or 60)[char 13 + char 10]
([char 9]=tab, [char 13 + char 10]=CRLF)
REQUESTID: The same request id as in the BEAS_COMMON_INPUT (field: REQUESTID)
Issue of 1 BOM entry with defined warehouse
WO Number: 5
WO Position (assembly): 10
BOM Item Position: 30
Quantity: 10.7
Warehouse: 02
values ('bomissue',5,10,'30<char 9>10.7<char 9><char 9>02<cr_lf>')
Issue of 2 BOM entries
WO Number: 15
WO Position (assembly): 40
BOM Item Position: 10, Quantity: 20.5
BOM Item Position: 20, Quantity: 10
values ('bomissue',15,40,'10<char 9>20.5<cr_lf>20<char 9>10<cr_lf>')
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