When creating a ticket, supplying all the needed information up front will reduce the time it takes to find the cause and resolve the issue.
For most iPayment tickets, having the following information supplied will mean we can figure out what's causing the
- iPayment version
- The gateway being used
- Screenshots of the configuration screen
- Screenshots of any documents or business partners involved in the issue
- EventLog from the client machine
- EventLog from the server component
Below you'll find information on how to acquire these things:
iPayment version / Gateway
This can be seen from the configuration / gateway selection screens. Either a screenshot or a text detailing the version / gateway will both be sufficient.
Screenshots of the configuration screen
These can be taken by going to the Add-ons --> B1 iPayment --> Configuration menu item.
Her you'll need to supply screenshots of all tabs in the configuration window.
Screenshots of any documents or BPs involved in the issue
If your issue pertains to a specific document or business partner, screenshots of these will be helpful.
In the case of BPs, the most relevant fields are the following UDFs:
For documents, a screenshot of the entire document with the iPayment tab visible, should be sufficient in most cases.
EventLog from the client machine
This is a log-file containing information about any errors that might have occurred during add-on operation.
It is located at %appdata%\Boyum IT\BOY_E0_MODIFICATIONS\Eventlogs on the client machine experiencing the issue.
EventLog froom the server component
This is a log-file containing information about any errors that might have occurred during server component operation.
It can be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Boyum IT\iPayment Server component\Eventlog on the machine where you've installed the server component.
For newer versions of iPayment, we offer an option to right-click on the document associated with the issue and use the iPayment menu to create ticket data automaticall.
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