Q: How does this message look like?
A: It looks like this
iPayment - Looks like the server component is not running correctly. Please verify that the server component is installed and setup correctly for this database. Please also check that the service is started.
And can be shown during startup of iPayment.
Q: Why do I get this message?
A: There can be multiple reasons:
- That you have not yet installed the iPayment server component (unlike B1UP Server component the iPayment server component is a mandatory install)
- That the server component is installed but is not running or have not been correctly configured (aka, login information is wrong or database is not connected)
- That your server's date/time is wrong
Q: How do I get rid of the message?
A: Follow this checklist:
- Verify that iPayment server component is installed and running the correct version
- Verify that the server component is configured to be connected to all databases running iPayment
Q: Can I ignore the message?
A: Technically you can, but it is not recommended as background services like re-auth of expired authorizations, schedules, and other background services are not being performed. In a demo system that is not so important but these tasks are important in a live system
Q: How does this check technically work (does it need some ports open between client and server)?
A: The way we check if the server component is installed is by checking the last "ping-time" from the Server component into the database.
The ping works by the server-component every 30 minutes updates set a timestamp in User-defined field "U_SERVLASTRUN" in table "@BOY_E0_CONFIG" (aka iPayment Configuration Table) for all configured tables.
During startup of the Add-on in the client if will check this last run-time and if the time is over 60 min old the warning message appears.
(Should the update of the field fail it will be logged in the Event log of the Server Component)
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