2023.12 Release
Please see the official release notes document and download links here.
With out latest release we offer extended features to the Move function on the AddOn where users can override Beas locks or a WMS reservation for a logistical unit to be relocated. The Route Map function is fully functional.
Moving Beas-reserved logistical units through the AddOn
In the Beas-WMS integration feature, WMS can now reallocate Beas WO locks for storage locations directly through the AddOn as well (as with the mobile client previously). When choosing one or multiple lines on the Inventory Report with Beas lock(s) present, it is possible to override the Beas lock on the selected SSCC and have it reinstated for a new location.
In a real-life scenario it is useful to know throughout the production - and logistic - process where all items (including all production raw materials or items, too) are positioned within the warehouse at any given point. For enhanced efficiency and accessibility for production, placing a lock or reservation on certain items can be key so that they are 'locked' into their designated storage location within the warehouse and not transferred accidentally. However, in certain situations, locked materials might need to be moved from their allocated position by logistics e.g. due to lack of storage space. In this scenario it is possible to override the production lock on the logistics side and reallocate it for the item at a different storage location, so that the repositioned items can be found instantly and easily by production - creating a new, allocated storage space.
In this process, when confirming a move for the selected, locked line(s) on the inventory report, WMS removes the Beas WO lock in order for the unit to be moved and notifies Beas about the transfer. Beas then reinstates the lock for the new location after the move has been performed. With single lines, it is also possible to select reservations.
Routes Map function uses Chromium-based browser engine
The Routes Map function now uses the latest, Chromium-based browser engine to plan transportation.
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