Q: Beas make always a database test. In which way i can disable this
A: With follow script you can disable the database test
Important: Do this only in urgent case. Better is to solve the main problem.
1. Open the program files(x86)\Beas software\Beas\program\db.ini
2. Copy the Version number (next line from [GLOBAL])
3. Open debug window (Crtl+Shift+I), tab "Script"
4. Execute follow line
setsetup=dbversion=<the copy of version from db.ini>
setsetup=dbversion2=<the current Beas version as number
Current Version from db.ini is 900450
Current Beas version is 9.2 (5.4) PL 5
and execute
if you can't start Beas, then you can do this direct via sql
update "BEAS_SYS_SETUP" set "DBVERSION"='900450' where "VARIABLE_ID"='dbversion'
update "BEAS_SYS_SETUP" set "DBVERSION2"='925004000' where "VARIABLE_ID"='dbversion'
1 comment
how do i run this scrip for hana. Example Beas 9.3H (3.28) PL: 03 for HANA
it is right?
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