This note will help you to choose the right settings for the Periodically Inventory Counting.
This note will not describe the Quick Counting functions, it’s focusing only the Periodically Inventory Counting (yearly, half-yearly, quarterly)
This note based on the following wiki article:
- Main Settings
- Prepare to counting
- Counting
- Synchronize Mobile Inventory Counting Data
- Error Messages
Main Settings
You can find the settings of the Stock Counting in the following location:
Main Menu -> Administration -> Add-Ons -> Produmex Scan -> Produmex Scan Settings -> Produmex Scan General tab.
Note: the addon must be running for this menu item to appear
- Real-time Stock Counting:
This is the default configuration of the Produmex Scan. After tapping the <Finish> button, the counted items are immediately added to the inventory counting document.
Note: It is not recommend to use this settings if there is no Bin Location in the warehouse and/or there are too many different items on the same location. - Show all Stock Counting data on scanners:
If enabled, already counted items are listed on the Stock Counting screen. Please note: Items with different batch or serial number will be listed in separate lines.
If disabled, only the number of the counting records is displayed.
Examples for enabled and disabled settings
Prepare to counting
- Fill up items
Note: It’s worth to split the inventory counting if you have plenty of bin locations, because the synchronizing will be faster. For example 1-10 bin locations on one inventory counting document, 11-20 bin locations on an another inventory counting document and so on. This needs to be adjusted to your specific needs and testing which gives the best performance and the easiest way to manage.
At first, you must create an Inventory Counting document in the SAP B1.
It is worth filling it with the current stock, so that the quantities in the inventory, but not found, can also be seen later.
You can fill up the document with the current stock with the Add Items -> Select Items button.
You can choose the required Items or Warehouse.
After pressing the ‘OK’ button, the SAP B1 will fill up the Inventory Counting document with the Items.
- Doesn’t fill up with items
When you don’t want to fill up with items, you still have to record least one item. It can be a real item, that you store in this warehouse, or can be a dummy item too.
- Multiple Counters
Produmex Scan supports multiple counters' inventory counting scenarios as well. Depending on SAP BO document settings, you are able to do:
Individual counting where individual counters conduct independent counting of an item at a storage location. You can select a maximum of 5 individual counters.
Team counting where a group of counters' counting results of an item at a storage location add up to its total quantity. You can select a maximum of 10 team counters.
Before you start with the counting, in the inventory counting document you have to select the counting type and you have to add the users names to this document.
Note: In case of multiple counters you must assign the user with the employee in the SAP Employee Master Data
You can find the Counting function under the ‘Inventory Transactions’.
As in other parts of the software, the ‘Reload’ button can be used to find the open Inventory documents, and you can start the counting with the ‘Count Items’ button.
You can enter the warehouse or bin code manually or you can scan it, if a shelf label is exists.
Otherwise you can use the three dot button to select a warehouse.
Note: You can’t choose a bin located warehouse here, you must enter the bin location manually or scan it from the shelf label.
After you enter the warehouse or bin location, press the ‘Count’ button to start the counting.
When you press the ‘Finish’ button, and the ‘Real-time Stock Counting’ setting is on, then you can see the counted quantities on the SAP’s Inventory Counting document. If this setting is off, see the ‘Synchronize Mobile Inventory Counting Data’ section.
Synchronize Mobile Inventory Counting Data
The counting data is captured in a user table. Synchronize the Inventory counting document in order to update it with the counting results. Synchronization can be initiated from right click menu on the SBO Inventory Counting document.
The synchronization works if the following conditions are met:
- the counter employee is linked to the SAP user account and
- the Finish button is pressed to finish the counting.
The counting data are stored in these user defined tables:
BXPLMSMOBINVCOUNT – MobileInventoryCounting
BXPLMSMOBINVCNTDONE - MobileInventoryCountingDone
- Direct Synchronization
Press the right mouse button on an empty area of the Inventory Counting document, a pop up menu will appear and choose the ‘Synchronize mobile Inventory Counting data’
- Exporting / importing counted items
Press the right mouse button on an empty area of the Inventory Counting document, a pop up menu will appear and choose the ‘Export mobile Inventory Counting data to Excel’
This function generates a TXT file, which SAP can import.
Press the Add Items -> Import items
After that you have to define the structure of the file from which you import, the Produmex Scan export the data in this format, like you see in the screenshot.
We recommend that you save the template with ‘Save as Template’ for later use. You have to specify the file that was created by the add-on for SAP BO, and then it will be imported.
Error Messages
Known error messages
- 1320000147 - Item <ItemCode> with serial number <SerialNum> does not exist in warehouse
- SAP doesn’t support to move serial managed items from a bin location to another bin location. In this case, when the serial managed item not in their bin location, create an inventory transfer to move the item to the correct location.
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