It may happen that an own (Custom) object in Beas is needed to perform a specific retrieval or insertion to e. g. a customized table (UDT)
Therefore, it is possible
- to create own BSL objects
- enter fields/columns to a BSL Object
These definitions are stored / registered in the Addon Administration:
1.1.- Create your own BSL object
[register collections]
myBeasUDT=primary=ItemCode/c<tab>description=My Beas UDT
[/register collections]
[register myBeasUDT]
post=true/false // Possibility to insert new entries
[/register myBeasUDT]
Table contents of “myBeasUDT” (example):
1.2.1- Results of own BSL object
Testing of the results are performed with Postman. It’s also possible to do it via BeasScript.
1.2.2- Get
Therefore your own registered object will be taken:
1.2.2- Post
If you also want to “post” (insert) data to this table a corresponding definition is necessary.
It is to be added to the customizing area of the Beas Service Layer
// check if inserted Item already exist in table
select count(*) from "BEAS_MY_TABLE" where "ItemCode" =<j.ItemCode,dbstring>
if <wert1> n> 0 then
setvar=result={"error":200,"errormessage":"ItemCode '<j.ItemCode>' already exists"}
return success
end if
// Insert line into table
sql=insert into BEAS_MY_TABLE ("ItemCode","Description","Color","Quantity") values (<j.ItemCode,dbstring>,<j.Description,dbstring>,<j.Color,dbstring>,<j.Quantity>)
if <sqlcode> <> 0 then
return success
end if
// OK message
setvar=result={"ok":"record inserted"}
You have to post the following with a data line in the “body”:
The following result is retrieved:
1.2.3- Put
If you also want to “put” (Update) data to this table a corresponding definition is necessary.
But this is currently not supported by Beas.
1.2.4- Delete
If you also want to “delete” (Delete) data to this table a corresponding definition is necessary.
But this is currently not supported by Beas.
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