Q: Does B1 Search all data?
A: No, Only the most common fields and UDFs of type Alpha Regular and Numeric are searched
Q: What fields do the B1 Search, do its Search On?
A: Here is the list of fields that are included in the default search (+ UDFs of type Alpha Regular and Numeric)
- Activities
- OCLG.Details, PCLG.CardCode, OCLG.CardName, OCLG.Tel, OCLG.Notes, OCPR.Name
- Documents
- DocNum, CardCode, CardName, PaymentRef, NumAtCard, Comments, Address, Address2, JrnlMemo, TrackNo, OCPR.Name, OPRJ.PrjName, OSLP.SlpName, OHEM.firstName + ' ' + OHEM.middleName + ' ' + OHEM.lastName, OHEM.firstName + ' ' + OHEM.lastName
- Document Lines
- ItemCode, T5.Dscription, T5.SubCatNum, T5.CodeBars, T5.VendorNum, T5.SerialNum, T5.FreeTxt, OOCR.OcrName, OPRJ.PrjName, ...10.LineText
- Business Partners
- OCRD.CardCode, OCRD.CardName, OCRD.CardFName, OCRD.Phone1, OCRD.Phone2, OCRD.Cellular, OCRD.E_Mail, OCRD.Fax, OCRD.IntrntSite, OCRD.LicTradNum,
OCRD.Free_Text, OCPR.Name, OCPR.Tel1, OCPR.Tel2, OCPR.Cellolar, OCPR.E_MailL, OCPR.Fax,
OCPR.Notes1, OCPR.Notes2, CRD1.Address, CRD1.Street, CRD1.Block, CRD1.ZipCode, CRD1.City, CRD1.County, CRD1.State, CRD1.Country, OSLP.SlpName
- OCRD.CardCode, OCRD.CardName, OCRD.CardFName, OCRD.Phone1, OCRD.Phone2, OCRD.Cellular, OCRD.E_Mail, OCRD.Fax, OCRD.IntrntSite, OCRD.LicTradNum,
- Employees
- OHEM.firstName + ' ' + OHEM.middleName + ' ' + OHEM.lastName, OHEM.jobTitle, OHEM.officeTel, OHEM.mobile, OHEM.pager, OHEM.homeTel, OHEM.fax, OHEM.email, OHEM.workStreet, OHEM.workBlock, OHEM.workZip, OHEM.workCity, OHEM.workCounty, OHEM.workState, OHEM.workCountr, OHEM.homeStreet, OHEM.homeBlock, OHEM.homeZip, OHEM.homeCity, OHEM.homeCounty, OHEM.homeState, OHEM.homeCountr, OHEM.govID, OHEM.remark
- Payments
- CardCode, CardName, Address, PaymentRef, CounterRef, Comments, JrnlMemo, OCPR.Name, OPRJ.PrjName
- Items
- OITM.ItemCode, OITM.ItemName, OITM.CodeBars, OITM.FrgnName, OITM.SuppCatNum
- Production
- OWOR.ItemCode, OWOR.Project, OPRJ.PrjName, OWOR.Comments, OWOR.JrnlMemo, OITM.ItemName, OWOR.OriginNum, OWOR.CardCode, OWOR.DocNum
- Oppotunities
- OOPR.OpprId, OOPR.Name, OOPR.CardCode, OOPR.CardName, OOPR.Memo, OCPR.Name, OSLP.SlpName, OHEM.firstName+' '+OHEM.middleName+' '+OHEM.lastName, "OHEM.firstName+' '+OHEM.lastName
- Service Calls
- OSCL.callID, OSCL.DocNum, OSCL.customer, OSCL.custmrName, OSCL.itemCode, OSCL.itemName, OSCL.subject, OSCL.descrption, OSCL.resolution, OSCL.manufSN, OSCL.internalSN, OCPR.Name, OCPR.Tel1, OCPR.Tel2, OCPR.Cellolar, OCPR.Phone1, OCPR.Phone2, OCRD.Cellular
- Service Contracts
- OCTR.ContractID, OCTR.CstmrCode, OCTR.CstmrName, OCTR.Descriptio, OCTR.Remarks1, OCTR.Remarks2, CTR1.ItemCode, CTR1.ItemName, CTR1.ManufSN, CTR1.InternalSN, OCPR.Name
- Customer Equipment Cards
- OINS.manufSN, OINS.internalSN, OINS.itemCode, OINS.itemName, OINS.customer, OINS.custmrName, OINS.deliveryNo, OINS.invoiceNum, OCPR.Name
Q: Why are the Remarks/Long text Fields not searched in some objects?
A: As these are NTEXT fields in the database, they are quite expensive to search so we have decided to not include them in the default search from objects that tend to have a high volume (like Item Master Data), but feel free to add them to custom searches as described below
Q: Your search does not search the field I want. What to do?
A: B1 Search has the option to do search customization where you decide what should be searched for. See more here: www.boyum-it.com/Link/B1SearchCustomization - If you find that the missing search field could be of general interest to all feel free to contact support@boyum-it.com for the suggestion.
Q: Can you edit the default searches?
A: No.
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