Article Type: Tips & Tricks
Product AREA: Beas
TOPIC / SYSTEM AREA (Beas): Product Configurator
System Functionality: Scripting
Scenario description
We are asked from time to time by the support if it is possible to make simple changes/adaptations via scripting in the detail area of the configurator.
Yes... you can....
The detail area of the configurator is dynamically rebuilt at runtime each time a new block is selected on the left side of the navigation area.
Thus, the fields (in data window dw_2) are also created dynamically and are filled and displayed according to the definition of the coding.
Because the configurator calculates all values for each change/action in the detail area and displays or suppresses fields based on the results, this reaction must be triggered for a scripting.
But since no change is executed by the user when the window is opened for the first time, scripting is necessary here as well.
For a scripting the unique name of the parameter is the key for identifying the corresponding field in the detail area.
In order to obtain a clear programming, the best way it to work with 2 events which call the same sub-function in each case:
global function form_loaded
// modyfing property after start of window
end global
global function form_rowfocuschanged
// refresh modyfing property after start of window
end global
Field protection
A field should be used to give the user only an information and the contents must not be changed. A protection of the field is needed.
global function change_properties
// after the window content has been built up in the right block, manipulate field
if <dw_2.rowcount> n< 2 then
// no line for modifying, end scripting
end if
// Protect field against input/update
end global
The known statement for modifying an item is used here.
Mode of operation:
If the datawindow field "parameter" of the current line contains the value "info", the visible datawindow field "input" should be protected with the contained value (result information).
If more fields (also in other detail areas/blocks) should be protected, only a line for the parameter name is to added in the script.
Field coloring
For a better visibility a field content should be colored.
global function change_properties
// after the window content has been built up in the right block, manipulate field
if <dw_2.rowcount> n< 2 then
// no line for modifying, end scripting
end if
// field content in color red
end global
The known statement for modifying an item is used here.
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