Disclaimer: We do not offer any support for the tools or approach used in this article. This article is aimed at experienced .NET developers. If you cannot get it working you are on your own. The debugging experience is not the same as in Visual Studio (a bit nerdier).
To debug your Dynamic code (Or any .NET code you have added to the product) you will need a program called dnSpy. You can find it at: https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/releases
After getting the program you will need to modify your .NET code and add the line:
This will make any debugger attached to the process break. Next, you will need to start dnSpy using either dnSpy-x86.exe or dnSpy.exe (depending on what SAP architecture you run) and attach to the B1UP process:
Next, you need to run the .NET code you wrote. If you did it correctly dnSpy will now break at your System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); statement:
Now you can debug your code and test it.
Remember to remove the System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() statement when you are done.
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