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Picking without pick list or sales order



  • Official comment
    Miguel Oscar Lozano

    Hi Dzanan, that's indeed a very interesting business case that today is out of our WMS scope, our solution is though as a B2B and from my point of view I see it as your customer is walking your warehouse as a supermarket, they pick whatever they need and at the end they leave generating an invoice (B2C).
    Steps of the process (missing ones in Italic letter):
    0.Make sure that this adds value to the product (there is enough market behind). 
    1.Manual-Generate a SBO Sales Order. Possible by Tom's suggestion of Showroom.
    2.Auto-Generate a picklist from the SO, that's possible with robot or today with Notification Listener or WMS web API.
    3.Auto-Copy the picklist into a Delivery document. This one is missing today, I could check if a Web API method could be implemented to copy PL's (or only processing PL's by the cash register as Francine suggests) into Delivery notes mimicking quantities and stock allocated.
    4.Auto-Make sure that item details selected by customer on SO are matching with delivery note ones (quantity, batch, BBD). 

    Let me know your thoughts, specially about the point 0. the possible revenue from this solution. 

  • Tom Bernaerd

    This is possible indeed, have a look at the Showroom functionality:

  • Džanan Ćelam

    We can use our warehouse as showroom, but our customer pick products walking trought warehouse. How to make issue document for collected items. We have only one pick location for each item.

  • Tom Bernaerd

    You are right, this flow is to assemble the sales order which can afterwards be picked, but doing the two in one go would indeed not be possible currently. 

  • Francine Legault

    The cash register packing does exacty what you want (picking and packing from a single location). This flow could be modify to permit picking without a sales order and directly create a delivery in SAP.

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