Make it possible to set cycle count controller settings on Location/zone/whs (OSE)
Currently it is only possible to adjust the settings dor the cycle count controller for the whole company.
With the current behaviour of PMX WMS the show current stock items setting(cycle count controller) will determine on company level, if stock items are shown or SSCC labels has to be scanned.
we have some lined up locations where the fisical SSCC labels are removed, for example a silo filled with flour. for this location a cycle count where the current stock items are visable suits the most.
on the other hand we have some bulk and pick locations where we realy want, that the cycle count is performed "Blind", so people have to scan the sscc labels that are on the location and enter the quantity.
Now we have to constantly switch the show current stock items setting on the cycle count controller to best fit the current cycle count.
It would be a great addition to Produmex WMS to make it possible to set this setting in the OSE, especially when we are having multiple production plants in the same database (branch solution).
Official comment
Hi Stephan,
This is a case where the "duplication of extension parameters" will be very useful, you will define a new button at the scanner UI where you can apply different configuration than the standard flow (in this case allowing to perform "Non blind" counting). Check the following example for further explanation
How to duplicate extension parameters: use different values of an extension parameter setting – Boyum Help Center (
And in general stay tuned to our community where we suggest different solutions for specific business cases:
Produmex WMS – Boyum Help Center ( Oscar Lozano
Logistics Product Owner
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