Hi all
B1UP 2022.04 is now released.
Get it here: https://download.boyum-it.com/b1up
Watch our What's New video:
Version 2022.04 [29. March 2022] - New Features - General - Added B1 Web Client Extension Creator (Require that you run SBO10 FP2202 or higher) [TFS69687] - Added option to debug Form Data Events in the Add-on Debug Console [TFS71912] - Added option to Pause/Resume the Add-on Debug Console [TFS71910] - B1 Dashboards - Added out of the box Dashboards 'Container Management' and 'Workload' from Produmex WMS (requires PMX WMS Version 2021.12 or higher) [TFS71807] - Kanban - Added out of the box Kanban Board 'Planned and Open Picking Tasks' from Produmex WMS (requires PMX WMS Version 2021.12 or higher) [TFS71807] - Added option to override the Kanban Object Type in the Data SQL is objects are different types of Navigation [TFS57957] - Server Component - Added better user information on if you connect to a database, but B1UP has not been started in that database yet [TFS72034] - Added Warning message if you have not entered SMTP Information in the Server Component [TFS71141] - Bug fixes - General - Fixed that Crystal Error Screen listed the wrong expected Crystal version on SBO10 FP2111 and higher [TFS73437] - B1 Dashboards - Added fallback and error state dashboard selection system should a dashboard widget lose its Code [TFS71047] - Fixed that Navigation to A/P Documents incorrectly was displayed as A/R Documents in the Navigation Popup (for example an A/P Invoice is shown as 'Go to A/R Invoice')
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