Hi all
B1UP 2019.04 HF01 is now released.
Get it here: http://www.boyum-it.com/sbo/
What's new can be seen here
2019.04 (HF 01) [08. April 2019] - New Features - B1 Dashboard - Added Navigation Support for Inventory Transfer and Inventory Transfer Request [TFS20871] - Added Multi-Object Navigation option (see video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVFa8w2ZnIE for more info) [TFS6678] - Added option to duplicate dashboards from the Dashboard Editor window [TFS13412] - B1 Print and Delivery - Added new Report Action Type 'HTTP Trigger' that can among other things post to MS Teams and Slack [TFS10392] - Added ability to attach files to the associated document when using Report Action - Save [TFS8640] - Added support for dynamic printer names [TFS4766] - Added option to set Microsoft Exchange From Email [TFS14702] - Added options to Overwrite or Keep Both when saving a file using Report Action - Save File [TFS9628] - Added option to use keywords SQLBULLETLIST() and SQLNUMBEREDLIST() in Report Action - Email and the new Report Action - HTTP Trigger. - Added options to specify recipient users using SQL: and Dynamic Syntax in Report Action - Internal Message [TFS5049] - B1 Validation - When exporting multiple configurations it is now possible to also export the associated Universal Functions at the same time. [TFS6535] - Function Buttons - Added an 'Active' option to each Function Button line on the configuration screen - this option determines whether the button will be shown on the form when Function Buttons are added. [TFS4944] - When exporting multiple configurations it is now possible to also export the associated Universal Functions at the same time. [TFS6535] - Quick Create - BP Quick Create now support Industry, foreign name, first name, middle name, last name, gender, address name 2, address name 3, block building and ship to tax code [TFS15411] - Universal Functions - General - Added new Universal function Type 'HTTP Trigger' that can among other things post to MS Teams and Slack [TFS10392] - Universal Functions - Dashboard - Added the ability to Right Click a UF Dashboard window and navigate to the linked UF [TFS21521] - Universal Functions - Dynamic Code - Added option to use @STORE values and [%x] variables in Dynamic Code [TFS4753] - Universal Functions - File Exporter - Added support for using keywords '%appdata%', '%userprofile%', '%LocalAppData%', '%ProgramData%' and '%temp%' in File an Log Folder paths [TFS20535] - Universal Functions - File Importer - Added support for using keywords '%appdata%', '%userprofile%', '%LocalAppData%', '%ProgramData%' and '%temp%' in Folder Paths [TFS20535] - Universal Functions - Internal Message - Added options to specify recipient users using SQL: and Dynamic Syntax [TFS5049] - Universal Functions - SQL Report - Added ability to add Golden Arrow linked to DocNum on Service Calls (in the past you only had the option to link via Call ID) [TFS20926] - Added ability to add Golden Arrow linked to TransId on Journal Entries (in the past you only had the option to link via Number) [TFS20724] - Universal Functions - UDT Handler - Added the ability to Right Click a UDT Handler window and navigate to the linked UF [TFS21519] - Changed Features - B1 Dashboard - You are no longer presented with a warning message if you have B1 Dashboards enabled and at the same time is using one of SAP's cockpits. Your Dashboard will still not load but the warning is gone so we can support the scenario that you wish to use SAP Cockpit in B1 Client but at the same time use B1 Web Dashboards [TFS20165]. - When adding new Dashboard Widget records the record is active as default and default web-enabled. - Default Dashboard Widgets are now web-enabled as default(only new installations) - B1 Print and Delivery - Changed that it is now possible to use linebreaks in the SQL() syntax - Account Balance now also works with Vendors [TFS6880] - It is now allowed to have a Report Configuration without a Crystal Report Definition (If the Report Actions used do not use it) [TFS21490] - ToolBox - The User-Defined Windows tab now also works with UDT with object type "No Object with Auto. Increment" [TFS22131] - Universal Functions - UDT Handler - Configuration now have a default width/height (Only new installations) [TFS20751] - Configuration now suggest Form Title automatically [TFS21484] - Bug fixes - General - Fixed that Awaiting Payment Warning came too early and not when needed (will now only show last 15 days). - Fixed that you could sometimes get a wrong install number if you had manually imported at offline license when running license checks - B1 Dashboard - Fixed that type of the new UF Types was not shown in Add Shortcut dialog for Common Functions [TFS20853] - B1 Print and Delivery - Fixed that if you choose 'HTML' as attachment type in a Report Action Email you would get an error saying "directory is not empty" and mail could not be sent. - Toolbox - Fixed that some texts were cut off in the Toolbox Configuration screen in some languages [TFS20874]
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