Hi all
B1UP 2021.05 is now released.
Get it here: https://download.boyum-it.com/b1up
Watch our What's New video:
Version 2021.05 [07. May 2021] - New Features - General - System Information Screen now shows the .NET Culture Info [TFS51462] - SAP UI Edits Warning on Function Buttons and Item Placement Tool now have help-buttons that explains in more details what the number mean [TFS51726] - B1 Dashboard - Added a new widget "My Recent Updates" that shows the last 20 updated common screens (35 screens supported). [TFS7695] - B1 Print and Delivery - Added support for Recipient Lists in Report Action - Create Activity. - Exchange Rates - Added Open Exchange Rate as possible Rate Provider. This provider allows up to 170 different currencies and is our new recommended source provider. Please note that to use it you need a free API Key from the service (see more in the manual on how to retrieve a such) [TFS53555] Item Master Data Manager - Help buttons have been added to the default UoM fields of the purchasing, sales, and inventory tabs, to help with setting default UoM for items that have a UoM Group. [TFS55320] - Kanban boards - Added import/export functionality to Kanban boards. [TFS54946] - Server Component - Wizard suggested Servername and ServerType are now detected via the DI-API itself making it less likely to be written incorrectly. - Error screen will now show Servername, DB Type, DB User, and SAP User used while getting the error. - Universal Functions - Create Activity - Added support for Recipient Lists - Changed Features - B1 Dashboards - The "Add New Widget" screen has been redesigned so the different Widget Types are more discoverable - The Show/Hide Dashboard feature in the lower right corner use a slightly bigger font and slightly darker color to make it more discoverable - Updated Beas out-of-the-box dashboards, for better performance and usability. - B1 Print and Delivery - When you press the "Layout Designer" toolbar button and choose "B1 Print" it will now open the default layout and not just the first layout [TFS54719] - The conditional action error now displays the mapped dynamic syntax version of the user's query, as well as the original query. [TFS54159] - B1 Validation System - Added more documentation around how the 'Inner Event' system work - Exchange Rates - Changed the URL of Federal Tax administration (Switzerland) [Daily] as the bank had changed the URL (again). - Bug fixes - General - Fixed that the Boyum Support Tool could not detect the default installation folders of CCC Installed Add-ons [TFS54439] - Fixed that if you had two .NET Snippet Keywords with the same prefix the system might replace the wrong value [TFS54706] - B1 Print and Delivery - Fixed that if you added a Custom Mass Delivery to a screen that is one of the out-of-the-box supported type the right-click menu-items "Delivery Log" and "Error Log" was not displayed as normal [TFS54344] - Item Placement Tool - Fixed that Service Call Choose From List was not supported if the field was linked to entities = Service Call - Kanban Board - Fixed that dashboard crashed when refreshing with no Kanban Board configuration selected.
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