Hi all
B1UP 2020.05 HF01 is now released.
Get it here: http://www.boyum-it.com/sbo/
Watch our What's New video:
Version 2020.05 (HF 01) [30. April 2020] - Bug fixes - B1 Dashboards - Fixed that Open Items Lists failed if run in SAP 9.2 (Since Return Requests and Goods Return Requests do not exist in that version) *** Version 2020.05 [29. April 2020] - New Features - B1 Dashboard - Process Flow Widgets are now Editable + you can create new Flows [TFS13529] - Added Return Request and Goods Return Request to Open Items List [TFS12092] - B1 Print and Delivery - Added support for Oauth exchange [TFS14901] - Function Buttons - Configuration Screen will now warn if you are using both FB and SAP UI Edit on the same screen [TFS17428] - Item Placement Tool - Added option to create new Tabs on Project Management Window via Right-click [TFS17994] - Configuration Screen will now warn if you are using both IPT and SAP UI Edit on the same screen [TFS17428] - Universal Functions - Added new 'Universal Function - Calendar' type that allows you to launch a Dashboard Calendar as a separate screen [TFS19531] - Changed Features - Exchange Rates - Added Known Solution for Provider issues that you can switch to another provider (many people do not know that is possible) [TFS18719] - Item Placement Tool - Binding of UDF Lines can now accept that there is only half a binding (Example leave a text-area boundless despite a Table was given but not a UDF-field) [TFS18722] - Removed Features - B1 Validation System - Removed that on the fly right-click setup of events suggest the new 'Item Pressed+Combobox Select' when right-click was on the add button on a document as SBO10PL02 now removes the SAP Bug - Bug fixes - B1 Dashboards - Search: Fixed that you could not copy/paste into the top search bar and Search via the Enter-key [TFS17799] - Calendar: Fixed that Calendar Source SQL for Employee Education was wrong resulting in not displaying the education type. Only fixed in new installs. For older installations please see https://support.boyum-it.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007396957. - Calendar: Fixed that if an EndDate was null you would get an unexpected error. - Calendar: Fixed that if you changed a name of a Calendar you would not display in the bottom selector until you restarted - Calendar: Fixed that you could right-click on the bottom bar and choose "Customize..." (was not intended to be shown) - B1 Print and Delivery - Fixed that if you use SQL: in a report action save on HANA you would in some cases get an "Illegal characters in path" error. - Server Component - Fixed that in rare scenarios the Server Components could give an error "Could not find file NewtonSoft"
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