This article affects you if you use B1 Print and Delivery together with Microsoft Exchange via Office 365 or in general use Gmail.
The Change that you need to be aware of
In B1 Print and Delivery + our Server Components, we allow the user to send out emails via Microsoft Exchange (using username/password option)
This option is, however, going away and Microsoft is moving to the more modern oAuth only Authentications methods
Microsoft has announced that after October 13th, 2020 [Update: Microsoft is disabling this service from their accounts starting from October 2022] they will no longer support Microsoft Exchange via simple username/password authentication on Office 365 [More info here]
What will Boyum do to support this change?
B1UP 2020.05 and higher now support Modern Authentication.
Please check the attachment on this article to see how the permissions are properly set up.
You can also follow this video, but please note that the exchange permission was renamed to "Microsoft Graph" after the video was created.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does this mean this feature will go away?
A: No, it "just" there will be a new way to access them
Q: Why are you making this change (what you already work as intended)?
A: It is not that we have made this decision; It is decided by Microsoft and we can only follow suit.
Q: Why is Microsoft making this change (is the current method insecure)?
A: oAuth is the new industry standard to make authentication as it binds itself to the specific machine and has an automated expiry date. The old method is as such not less secure as long as bad guys do not get hold of your credentials. The insecure part comes if they (bad guys) do get hold of your data as they can then use them without you knowing about it. This is less likely with modern authentication.
Q: Does this support accounts with multi-factor authentication enabled?
A: Unfortunately not, multi-factor authentication enabled accounts are not supported for Server Component usage. (Multi-factor authentication is only possible to use together with the Personal Exchange Option in the B1 client) .
Q: Are there plans to support this on the older versions?
A: No, it is only planned on 2020.05 and higher releases
Q: I have further questions. Where can I ask them?
A: Please send your questions to
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