In this Article, we describe different problems with crystal reports inside Beas 9.2 PL: 05 and older
In Beas 9.2 PL 06 and newer, we use the b1up crystal viewer.
Failed to export the report
Crystal-Message: Failed to export the report. Please start Database-check (for convert UDF-Max-Fields) or check the Crystal-Report (SQL statements). System-Message: Error Calling external object function export at line 260 in function of_makro_output_crystal of object ue_reportobject..
1. restart PC
2. check, if the problem occurs on other workstations
3. check, if other reports are affected
4. check, if the problem is related to print or to view
5. check, which documents are affected
After Windows Update
Reason: Windows update KB3102429 is installed on the machine. This windows update generate conflicts with the Export option of crystal reports
Solution: Uninstall the Microsoft Windows update and restart the machine.
After SAP Update or after the creation of new UDF
Reason: In many cases, SBO created fields of data type varchar(max) which is not supported.
Solution: Run the datacheck in Beas to correct incorrect fields.
Other similar error:
Can also occur at the message "... Please Start Database-Check ...". Please choose "Database-wizard" - connection in the crystal-report data. Data has to be an ODBC (RDB)-connection. Another connection types eg. ADO.NET and others are not supported.
Error connecting to CrystalRuntime-Library 11,12,13
For beas 9.2 and less
- Beas uses the Library of Crystal Reports. This needs to be installed, to display Crystal Reports in reports.
Usually, the Library is installed automatically. If the installation was prevented or did not work, you can install manually. In SAP - Server - Folder B1_SHR\\Beas software\reportviewer the MSI-Installer is located. It can be executed subsequently.
For beas 9.3 and higher
- change in conf wizard old internal viewer to crystal viewer
- if you will get another error please follow Beas 9.3 doesn't print below
Failed to load database information
Error printout Crystaldokument (Failed to load database information. Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Error calling external object function printout at line 25 in function of_cr_object_report of object ue_reportobject
Incorrect database name
Reason: One reason may be that the database name contains a dot "." This could happen when copying a database.
eg. test_db.02.03.2014
Solution: change database name: test_db_02_03_2014
ODBC Drive, not ADO
Reason: In Report Database Connection must be an ODBC Driver. and the name of this ODBC connection must be "BEAS_SAP" for MSSQL version and "BEAS_HANA" for HANA version.
Solution: Please use only ODBC Driver for connection to the database in the Crystal report definition.
Preview of a report displayed scaled down
Reason: error in Crystal-Engine Version XI, which is used by Beas for export into PDF-format.
Solution: use the internal report viewer for pre-view see Print and report settings
Beas 9.3 doesn't print
Problem: Beas doesn't print or preview crystal reports
- you will get this error message
Please check in Beas - configuration wizard - administration - Print and Report setup - Printing Crystal reports - Use internal CrystalReport viewer - set Crystal report viewer
Please download attachment for your SAP client, this depends if you're using 32 or 64bit version.
For Beas 32bit version
Please replace files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Beas software\Beas\CrystalViewer
For Beas 64bit version
Please replace files in C:\Program Files\Beas software\Beas\CrystalViewer
Note: please always replace files in folder mentioned above not in crytstalviewer_x64 (independet on 32 or 64bit)
Note: Can be that you will need to stop boyum crystal viewer in task manager
Log4net error during print
You'll get this error during print or preview beas crystal report
<html><h1>Error</h1><h2>Exception:</h2><table><tr><td>Error creating report document: System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "CrystalDecisions.Shared.SharedUtils" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Die Datei oder Assembly "log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
This is a usually problem of the SAP 10 and SAP crystal runtime engine 32bit installed
Please make
- uninstall SAP crystal runtime engine 32bit
- try again
- if still not working please reinstall SAP crystal runtime engine 64bit
Then it should be working.
In some rare case also SAP B1 client is required to reinstall or SAP crystal report designer.
Could you please verify that knowledgebase article number?
It doesn't appear to be valid.
UPDATE: The KBarticle that is referenced doesn't exist. The correct KB article is KB3102429 .
What do you mean?
Hello Gord,
Thank you for the information, now the number is updated to KB3102429.
Do you know why have "hide in work" when use formula. When i print in beas and sap b1 is work ok but i print in beas cant work it have "hide in work" use formula.
Do you know why have "hide in work" when use formula. When i print in beas and sap b1 is work ok but i print in beas cant work it have "hide in work" use formula.
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