Use @SecondaryKey on Tooltip SQL for Calendar
AnsweredHi all,
I also placed a post on Community but upon further research it looks like this isn't an option so I thought it would be best as a feature request (please delete the other post if needed)
Can we get it to also use the secondary key on the Tooltip SQL on the calendar source configuration?
If we create two or more SCL6 multi scheduling entries on a service call then it will display the same tool tip for both entries which is undesirable. This is because it is only picking up the @PrimaryKey being the service call and does not look at the @SecondaryKey being the Line or the technician.
If i currently use SCL6.Line = @SecondaryKey on the tooltip SQL then it just removes the tooltip.
Thank you for your request. It has been scheduled for review by the development team that will get back to you should there be questions.
(Please note that as we are user-driven we can't guarantee that your request will be met unless it gets many votes and/or fit the product vision)
Read more about the Feature Request process here
[Internal Id: 87439]
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