Reception flow also Business Partner Catalogue number
While receiving items on a goods receipt PO it would be nice to also have the business partner catalogue number available in the screen.
In some cases no barcodes can be scanned and the itemcode in SAP can be different from the one your supplier uses. While receiving these items it would be easier to also have the Business parter catalogue number available.
Hi Ronald,
I have done something for a client of mine exactly for this. You can use a formatted search in the Mfr. Item Descr. field (U_PMX_VIDE) in the Purchasing Data tab of the Item Master Data to get the partner's catalog number.
This filed is visible on the scanner when performing a reception:
Hope this helps,
This could be really helpfull if all suppliers are only using 1 itemnumber. However in several cases, we find a situation a product can be bought at 3 or more suppliers, and they all got their own itemcodes. So it would be best if you are receiving goods, based on a purchase order, Produmex returns the Business partner catalogue number attached to that specific supplier, which is attached to the purchase order.
Se below an example.
Agreed, by coincidence also facing this issue today.
What I have done is expand on Francine's idea and concatenated the different BP Catalogue Numbers in the U_PMX_VIDE field. This works to filter
Proper solution using the actual BP Catalogue numbers would be better to have and seems like a good candidate for a quality of life improvement feature.
We also use B1 Usability Package. Instead of the formated search I created a master data manager schedule, which can run every night (for example) to update this field every night with the known information with a concatenate of all known Business Partner catalogue numbers. (makes it even more automated). This is for now a solution the customer can live with.
But I agree with Tom, this should be a good improvement.
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