create a second scrap warehouse in the Setup, and give the possibility to modify it por the produce operator
AnsweredHi development team,
it's a very important evolution for us and for our customers !
In the general setting we can setup a scrap warehouse and it's OK.
But in a production order we can have :
- a broken item (Scrap warehouse)
- a second choise item (Second choise warehouse)
So i it possible to add these functionalities ? :
- Add in the general setup software a second warehouse (for example "Second choise")
- In the "Produce Operator", when we declare the production done, add a new warehouse for a second choise.
For example we need to produce 10 Items:
- 7 are OK (warehouse "01")
- 2 are failed (Warehouse "Scrap warehouse")
- 1 is Ok with a little default (Warehouse "Second choise")
Give the possibility to the produce opérateur to modify the warehouse in the both field.
Thanks a lot and regards
Official comment
Hi Jean,
this is an interesting requirement that has not been planned so far. How do you define which physical quantity should go to which warehouse? Do you use batches or serial numbers?
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