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Sales Order / PLP - allocate stock based upon the Quality status specified in the sales order.



  • Official comment
    Jorge Herrera

    Hi Jan, thank you for the idea, at this moment we do not have plans to implement this.

  • Miguel Oscar Lozano

    Hi Jan,

    By your comment I guess you are already using Batch attributes as a workaround. Understanding the limitation where only one value is possible per batch whereas on Quality Status more than one value per batch would be possible.

    Other option is selecting the stock manually on the creation of PLP (here all the stock lines differentiated by quality status are displayed) or even automatically generating a logic for a specific Pick List type that only allocates the stock which a specific quality status value. This last automatic way is the so called the pick list robot. 

  • Jan Van Gemert

    Hi Miguel,

    In my specific case, the customer is not using batches.

    I am looking at a way to assign stock into buckets ( for example for sales channels like ecom, wholesale etc..) and for certain orders i want the picker to only pick stock that is assigned to a channel. I would use the qualtity status to assign the stock to a certain channel.

    I am not sure what you mean with: "Other option is selecting the stock manually on the creation of PLP (here all the stock lines differentiated by quality status are displayed) or even automatically generating a logic for a specific Pick List type that only allocates the stock which a specific quality status value. This last automatic way is the so called the pick list robot." 

    Is that a suggestion for a new feature because what you describe is not something that exists I believe. The PLP is generated (whether it is manual or with the robot) by using the PLP extension parameters. There is little or no possible way to intervene in that process..



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