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Alllow SSCC to be selected from list when recommencing Ad Hoc Picking



  • Official comment
    Miguel Oscar Lozano

    Hi Martin&Chris,

    This is a very physical oriented discussion what I like and shows the knowledge of the software that you already possess. 

    On similar cases what I advice is to select the last SSCC of the list, the higher number of the SSCC the later it was created. In rare cases where there are many pickers working for the same customer (then the last SSCC you were picking on may not be the last of the list cause other picker may generate one after you did) I add the pick list number to the "select SSCC" screen, then you know that you need to keep picking on the higher SSCC number from your pick list and no need of printing the label until it is not finished.

  • Cristian Oneata

    Hello Boyum Team,

    This does not happen only for ad-hoc picking, for any standard picking where you interrupt the process. The issue is that it is not manageable, not having a barcoded label with SSCC at that point of picking requires the picker to manually enter the 18 char code which is prone to errors. 


    Thank you.



    Cristian (Vision33) 

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