Can you use @Store in SQL report?
Hi I would like to use the @Store system in my SQL report with a SQL stored procedure
EXEC [dbo].[testmultselect] @WO = N'@Store2', @Qty = @Store1
Invalid query tree [300-33]. The SQL error is 8180: SQL: EXEC [dbo].[testmultselect] @WO = N'@Store2', @Qty = @Store1
Hi Ian,
When using SQL Reports you can use the Dynamic Syntax elements. For example:
SELECT "my field" FROM "RDR1" WHERE "RDR1"."ItemCode"='$[B1DASHBOARDVALUE.STRING]' OR "RDR1"."ItemCode" = $[$38.1.0]When using @STORExxx assignments put single quotes around the @STORExxx when using @STOREs in SQL functions on an assignment if the data is a string (the single quotes are passed directly to the generated SQL command, the @STORExxx is converted to its current value). For example in HANA:
@STORE910 = SQL(SELECT "your field" FROM "your table" WHERE "your other field" = '@STORE3');When using EXECUTESQL() and the value is numeric then do not use either type of quote around the @STORExxx variables. Likewise don't use the N prefix. For example:
EXECUTESQL(SELECT "your field" FROM "your table" WHERE T0."your other field" = @STORE3 );
I've found it helps to see the actual query B1UP generates from your command, say in the debugger. Copy that code into a query window and get it working there, then put the changes back into your B1UP code.Hope this helps.
In the SQL Report function I am still not correct and get and errorselect PD.ItemCode Component , ('Store1'*avg(BaseQty)*COUNT(PD.ItemCode)) -isnull(CS.WhsStock,0) [Missing Stock] ,isnull(TF.WhsCode,'') [From] ,isnull(TF.BinCode,'') [From BinCode] from OWOR PH inner join WOR1 PD on PH.DocEntry=PD.DocEntry inner join dbo.OITM I On PD.ItemCode=I.ItemCode left outer join [BJL_StagingDataBase].[BJL_Production_Inventory].[BJL_ItemCodeByBuyerDetails] B on PD.ItemCode=B.ItemCode left outer join (SELECT [ItemCode] ,[WhsCode] ,sum ([BinQty]) WhsStock FROM [BJL_StagingDataBase].[BJL_Transfer_Inventory].[ProdStockByBin] group by [ProdItemCode] ,[ItemCode] ,[WhsCode]) CS on PD.ItemCode=CS.ItemCode and PD.wareHouse=CS.WhsCode LEFT outer join (SELECT [ItemCode] ,[WhsCode] ,BinCode ,BinAbsEntry ,[BinQty] ,SUM(BinQty) over (partition by ItemCode order by WhsCode,BinQty) CummStock FROM [BJL_StagingDataBase].[BJL_Transfer_Inventory].[ProdStockByBin] where WhsCode in('RM_Leam','INSP','SC','INSP_Lea') and BinQty>00) TF on PD.ItemCode=TF.ItemCode and TF.[WhsCode]<>PD.wareHouse Where PH.DocNum='50119' and I.InvntItem='Y' --and isnull(TF.CummStock,0)>0 group by PH.DocEntry, PH.DocNum ,PH.Status ,PH.ItemCode ,PH.PlannedQty-CmpltQty-RjctQty ,PD.ItemCode ,I.ItemName ,I.PrcrmntMtd ,IssuedQty ,PD.wareHouse ,isnull(CS.WhsStock,0) ,isnull(TF.WhsCode,'') ,isnull(TF.BinCode,'') ,ISNULL(TF.BinAbsEntry,'') ,ISNULL(TF.BinQty,0) ,ISNULL(B.FullName,'') ,isnull(TF.CummStock,0) ,I.InvntItem having CASE when ISNULL(TF.BinQty,0) > ('Store1'*avg(BaseQty)*COUNT(PD.ItemCode)) -isnull(CS.WhsStock,0) and isnull(TF.CummStock,0)-ISNULL(TF.BinQty,0) <= ('Store1'*avg(BaseQty)*COUNT(PD.ItemCode)) -isnull(CS.WhsStock,0) Then 'Y' else 'N' end='Y' Order by isnull(TF.BinCode,'') DESC
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