Manage attachment folder
AnsweredThe attachment folder is always a big mess.
There are files that comes from any type of transaction and if you don't use P&D you also have all the PDF created just to preview the document.
You cannot really define authorisations based on department because everybody needs to access that folder to preview their own documents.
SAP provided a structure based on users or user good but I think that is not good enough.
I would like to propose (not sure you already have something) a form where you define how the folder structure needs to be set up.
You can use the keywords to automatically create the structure as you prefer. Here is an example:
Attachment standard folder / $[OBJECTNAME] / $[YEAR] / $[BPNAME]
In this example B1UP will create one folder for each object type (one for sales orders, one for BP, one for Items, one for stock transfers and so on) then inside that, another folder for the year of the document and then another folder for the customer name.
B1UP will create the folder if it doesn't exist and update the path on the document/master data.
This structure won't work for items of course (because there is no year and BP code), so we need to decide how to structure the configuration table (one line for object or one general line for everything and additional lines for exceptions depending on how flexible you would like to make it).
This customisation will help the customer to have a much cleaner structure of their attachments.
Thanks for considering this idea.
Kind Regards
Official comment
Hi Daria
Thank you for the request... While I like the idea I'm not sure it is possible. The SAP SDK's way is that we only define the filename, and then the file is put in the root folder of the Attachment Folder... And there is no API to "lead" the file to sub-folders... So I think this request needs to be addressed by SAP before we can do something like this: SAP Ideas
Very good idea, ensures a much better option to define authorisations.
Thank you for your request. It has been scheduled for review by the development team that will get back to you should there be questions.
(Please note that as we are user-driven we can't guarantee that your request will be met unless it gets many votes and/or fit the product vision)
Read more about the Feature Request process here
[Internal Id: 76517] -
I added a request to SAP to expose the attachment folder path to the API, so then you can develop something to manage that :-)
Kind Regards
I'm not sure if this helps or not, but perhaps you could set up batch commands to automatically move files around for you based on the file name.
You can then set this to run at various times with a scheduler.
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