Drawings available to the Produce Operator
CompletedBoyum cloud instructions are great for the operator. But whenever we demonstrate Boyum cloud produce operator to prospects they ask if the operator can be presented with a drawing too. Instead, they have to print this out which seems a shame as they would have tablets for the operator SFDC.
Whether the drawing jpg/pdf be from the attachments tab of the production order / Item Master OR dedicated UDFs. it would be great if the operator could click to open them from Boyum Cloud. It's probably easiest if this opened in another tab rather than within Boyum cloud. although that would be fine, if it was within a Boyum Cloud screen they would need pinch-zoom functionality
Official comment
Hi John,
we working at the moment on a general design concept to handle remarks, attachments and uploads of documents during the execution. We want to integrate this in Produce and Inspect during the next year.
Hi John,
You can insert a link (like sharepoint) to external documents (PDF, picture, etc.) in an SAP text line. This can be called up directly via Produce Operator.
Kind regards Tino
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