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Calendar Dashboard Confirm message when moving date.




  • Peter Hummelshøj Johnsen

    Thank you for your request. It has been scheduled for review by the development team that will get back to you should there be questions.
    (Please note that as we are user-driven we can't guarantee that your request will be met unless it gets many votes and/or fit the product vision)
    Read more about the Feature Request process here
    [Internal Id: 65153]

  • Rasmus Jensen

    Hi Simon

    I've checked and it does not seem that SAP saves the "remember setting" in the database (or if they do it is not a place that they reveal with a SQL Profiler)

    Would it be a good enough solution to instead have a different drag/drop/resize option here called

    "Production Order: Change Start/due Date (Without confirmation)"



  • Simon Simms

    Hi Rasmus,

    Thank you for looking into this for me.

    This would be a perfect solution, could you please let me know when this will be available so i can inform my customer.

  • Rasmus Jensen

    Since it was only a few lines of code It will be in B1UP 2021.11 Release schedule for 8th of November

  • SSP Automation
    The development team has now completed this request. Expect it to be in the next release of the product. Thank you again for helping us make the product better :-)

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