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Picking Remarks



  • Official comment
    Gil Van den Hauwe

    If you wish to display Purchase Order line remarks, this is already possible.
    You can create a view linked with the Purchase Order free text, and the configure this view on the Purchase Delivery Generator :

    For a Sales Order, we currently only display the "Pick & Pack remarks" from the Logistics tab of the Sales Order Header. These are copied over into the "Pick & Pack remarks" Field from the Produmex Picklists.

    Is your request about a remark per Sales Order Line ?
    Or are the "Pick & Pack remarks" enough to solve the customers' problem?

    Thank you.

  • Francine Legault

    Hi Gil,


    In my opinion, it would be great to have the same feature as with the Putchase Order and be able to send a message to the picker per line of the Sales Order.


  • Thuzar Mon

    Hi Gil,

    My request is to send a remark per Sales Order Line for the picker because pick and pack remarks can only refer to the whole SO and picker cannot know the instructions detailed of SO line. 

  • Thuzar Mon

    Hi Gil,

    These are what I request for SO Line Remark.

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