Reception remarks
The Picking and Packing flows allow for remarks to be set in the Item Master and displayed on the scan gun. We have a customer who has instructions when receiving stock to repack or reconfigure a pallet, and therefore require instructions or remarks for reception and/or put away. Any chance of this being added? The Purchase remarks currently on the Item Master only display inside SAP when doing a PO.
Hi Peter,
in the extension parameters there is the option to setup a view for the lines and the header:
Purchase line remarks view name / Remarks view name
Does this not do what you need it to do?
(only works in the receiving flow though not put away).
Hi Jan
Does it get the document remarks only? I need to have pre set remarks at the item level. I suppose these could be passed to the Purchase Order from the Item Master using Boyum or formatted search. The wiki is not clear on the actual SAP field that is returned, only the required columns for the view.
This view needs at least these columns:
Hi Peter,
You can fill in the view you would like to use. PDMX comes with those views that you can customize.
If you look at the view for the lines, it indeed looks at the "free text" field in the document, if i remember correctly.
So at that time you have 2 options, change the view to read from OITM or use a SP or FMS to copy in the item remarks into the document.
I would go for option 2 because, i think it might be just a matter of time before the client asks to deviate from the remarks for 1 specific po. just my 2 cents.
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