New Keywords for Database Type and Database Version
AnsweredSuggest creating B1UP Keywords for Database Type and Database Version. These might be something like: $[DBTYPE] and $[DBVERSION]. This would be very helpful when code needs to work in both databases but requires database-specific syntax.
Thank you for your request. It has been scheduled for review by the development team that will get back to you should there be questions.
(Please note that as we are user-driven we can't guarantee that your request will be met unless it gets many votes and/or fit the product vision)
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[Internal Id: 54665] -
Possible with .NET Code Snippet
For Copy/Paste:
if(SBO.AddonLogic.Addon.IsHanaConnection) { return "HANA"; } else { return "MSSQL"; }
As for version, it is easy to get from the database - Example:
MessageBox(SQL:SELECT "Version" FROM "CINF")
the dynamic code for getting the DB-Type is a good idea; has anyone got it to run?
I get the error:
Just tested on latest B1UP version... It still seems to work as expected:
Thank you Rasmus,
now I got it!!
I tried it with a separate UF with type "Dynamic Code (.NET SDK) instead of using the right-click menu ".NET Code".
Best regards
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