More control to the "Manager" user.
In a production shop floor it is quite common that the Operators will make mistakes. When this happens the "Manager" users need more control to take corrective action. Currently this is not possible.
This is especially needed when the "Time change Allowed" setting on the Operator setup is set to No.
The three cases where this would be very useful are:
- If an operator has finished their shift, but left themselves logged in, then the manager user needs the ability to either stop their operation or pause it.
- If an operator has started an operation on the wrong production order then the manager user needs the ability to "kick" them out of the production order/route stage so that no changes to the production order are made.
- If an operator has finished an operation and accidently flagged this as "completed" instead of "more work required", then the Manager user needs the ability to reopen the Production operation.
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