Inspect - Pictures
PlannedPictures/video available to view on tests. When performing QC checks you need to check against an acceptable quality OR guidance as to exactly which area you are checking. for instance, on a large machine where you are performing a QC, you may need to check a specific part of the machine - which part and what should it look like? OR it could be a small part but a specific section - it could take lots of words to describe this to the operator. but a picture and a few words are simple and effective. I was at a prospect yesterday where they showed me their test plans where there were 40 tests. Each one had a photo and they couldn't "go backwards" from their word document test plans.
Official comment
Hi John,
This is already planned. We are thinking about a general solution to give inspectors as well as operators in production access to inspection instructions or instructions for production.
Kind Regards Tino
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