UDFs with default values are reset during delivery note creation – line and header level of the document
Dear Boyum-community
regrading - Produmex WMS
after a support-ticket, Boyum said that we have to create a feature-request!
We found a strange behavior when checking the delivery notes after creating them with the Produmex open shipment report, or via the SalesDeliveryTool.exe.
All UDFs on header and on line level with default values are reset to it’s default value, when copying the sales order over to the delivery note with the mentioned option.
When using the SAP B1 Standard feature copy to delivery note or copy from sales order, everything works correct.
We tested the behavior with two complete new fields, one with a default value and one without.
The field without a default values works correctly. But it isn’t working for the one with the default value.
Currently all delivery notes are generating for the specific UDFs wrong data and we need to fix them manually.
In Produmex-Scan this feature already exists!
Best regrads,
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